100 學測英文非選擇題(中翻英部分)題目: 1. 臺灣的夜市早已被認為足以代表我們的在地文化。 2. 每年它們都吸引了成千上萬來自不同國家的觀光客。 第一題中,"足以代表",我們可以翻譯成 suitable enough to represent... 第二題中,"成千上萬的觀光客",我們可以翻譯成 thousands and thousands of visitors. 100 學測英文非選擇題(翻譯部分)參考答案 by 廖凱: 1. (The)Night markets in Taiwan have been thought (suitable) enough to represent our local culture for a long time. 2. Every year, they appeal to thousands and thousands of visitors from different countries. 是不是很簡單呢? :)
100學測英文作文題目: 說明︰ 1.依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文。 2.文長約100至120個單詞(words)。 提示︰請仔細觀察以下三幅連環圖片的內容,並想像第四幅圖片可能的發展,寫出一個涵蓋連環圖片內容並有完整結局的故事。 100學測英文作文參考答案 (by 廖凱): I think I've fallen for a girl s ince I met her at a fancy dress party last Saturday. Wearing a silver crown and glory costume, she looked like an elegant neighboring girl. I was drunk even I did not drink any wine at the party. After that, I practice playing the guitar and singing loudly every day, hoping that I could meet her again and play songs for her. Although my neighbors could not bear any sound I made and protest against my behavior, I never give up. Luckily, Jeff, my friend, told me that he knows the girl and he is willing to hold a fancy dress party for us next month. It sounds so wonderful for me that I must make more effort in playing the guitar and singing to win her heart someday . 你應該有更有創意的寫法唷!