
2024 學測「中翻英」解答 (113年)

本台提供今年 2024 學測的「#中翻英」參考解答: 1. 「每逢選舉季節,總會看到政治人物造訪各地著名廟宇」 Whenever it is election season, we always see political figures visiting famous temples around the country. 2. 「除了祈求好的選舉結果,他們也希望展現對在地文化與習俗的尊重」 In addition to praying for good election results, they also hope to show respect for the local culture and customs.   https://www.facebook.com/100063817930363/posts/857220953081828/?mibextid=ngobeXctTp5pD3Zm


 111 統測英文試題解答 by 台灣英文老師新聞台&台灣英文文法教室


 Ye (formally known as Kanye West) is #apparently tired of being asked to do an NFT. apparently: 很顯然地(adv.) 文章來源 https://www.cnn.com/style/article/ye-kanye-west-nfts-intl-scli/index.html


"But those benefits won’t #materialize for Tokyo, host of the most expensive Olympics to date and the first to host one with mostly empty venues — and hardly any domestic revenue — because of the pandemic."  原文 這邊的 materialize 當作「實現」意思。 翻 // 但這些利益對於東京來說,並不會實現。// 我們的臉書  台灣英文老師新聞台

Names of the departments

as the photo shows.

107 指考英文翻譯 (中翻英) 參考解答

1. 快速時尚以速度與低價為特色,讓人們可以用負擔得起的價格買到流行的服飾。  Fast fashion features speed and low price, allowing people to buy popular clothes at affordable prices. 2. 然而,它所鼓勵的「快速消費」卻製造了大量的廢棄物,造成巨大的污染問題。 However, the "fast consumption" it encourages has produced a large amount of waste, causing huge contamination problems. 解說: by 台灣英文文法教室 廖凱老師 第一題中,「負擔得起的價格」,可翻譯成 at affordable prices;「以...為特色」就用 feature 當動詞囉! 第二題中,「大量的廢棄物」,可翻譯成 a large amount of waste, 不可數;「巨大的污染問題」就是  huge contamination problems 囉!  是不是很簡單呢? 您是否還有其他翻譯法呢? 歡迎在下方留言告訴我喔!:)