
attenuate 怎麼用?

 當然,我可以為您造一個使用 "attenuate" 的句子,並解釋其文法結構和中文翻譯。 句子: The thick fog attenuated the sunlight, casting a soft, ethereal glow over the landscape. 文法分析: 1. "The thick fog" 是主語,由定冠詞 "the"、形容詞 "thick" 和名詞 "fog" 組成。 2. "attenuated" 是謂語動詞,使用了一般過去時。 3. "the sunlight" 是直接賓語。 4. "casting a soft, ethereal glow over the landscape" 是現在分詞短語,作狀語,描述動作的結果。 中文翻譯: 濃霧削弱了陽光,在風景上投下一層柔和、縹緲的光芒。 在這個句子中,"attenuate" 用作及物動詞,意為"減弱"或"削弱"。它描述了霧如何減弱陽光的強度,從而產生一種特殊的視覺效果。這個用法展示了 "attenuate" 在描述自然現象時的應用。

turmoil 是什麼意思?

  例句:Harris set to name running mate as global turmoil rocks an already surreal campaign. turmoil 可解釋為: 混亂、騷動、動盪 極度的混亂或困惑狀態 動蕩不安的局面 因此本句可譯為: 在全球動盪衝擊本已超現實的競選活動之際,Harris 準備提名競選搭檔。 文章:https://edition.cnn.com/2024/08/06/politics/harris-running-mate-global-turmoil/index.html 


  根據《牛津英語詞典》,英語中最長單詞是: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, 一種因吸入細小矽酸鹽或石英粉塵,所引起的慢性肺部疾病。 這個詞是由下列詞根所組合而成的: pneumono- (肺) ultra- (極度) microscopic- (微小的) silico- (矽) volcano- (火山) coniosis (塵病)

About AI

翻譯練習 AI 充份利用了人們處理「數大」的弱項, 你不餵它就沒事了 不過因為是人類的弱項 所以你會一直餵 它會一直成長 算力也不斷精進 最終成為一輛人類共同發明、 製成且都一踴而上的失速列車。 AI fully exploits the human weakness in handling  'large numbers'.  If you don't feed it, there will be no issue.  However, because it is a human weakness,  you will keep feeding it.  It will continue to grow,  and its computational power will keep improving, ultimately becoming a runaway train that  humanity has collectively invented,  manufactured, and eagerly boarded.  來源: 與 Copilot 的交談, 2024/6/4 (1) Human vs. Machine Translation: Pros & Cons | TranslateSwift. https://translateswift.com/blog/comparing-ai-and-human-translation-advantages-and-disadvantages/. (2) Six Challenges for Neural Machine Translation - arXiv.org. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.03872v1. (3) A jargon-free explanation of how AI large language models work. https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/07/a-jargon-free-explanation-of-how-ai-large-language-models-work/. (4) undefined. https://www.nist.gov/itl/iad/mig/

2024 學測「中翻英」解答 (113年)

本台提供今年 2024 學測的「#中翻英」參考解答: 1. 「每逢選舉季節,總會看到政治人物造訪各地著名廟宇」 Whenever it is election season, we always see political figures visiting famous temples around the country. 2. 「除了祈求好的選舉結果,他們也希望展現對在地文化與習俗的尊重」 In addition to praying for good election results, they also hope to show respect for the local culture and customs.   https://www.facebook.com/100063817930363/posts/857220953081828/?mibextid=ngobeXctTp5pD3Zm


 111 統測英文試題解答 by 台灣英文老師新聞台&台灣英文文法教室


 例句:Ye (formally known as Kanye West) is apparently tired of being asked to do an NFT. apparently: 很顯然地(adv.) 文章來源 https://www.cnn.com/style/article/ye-kanye-west-nfts-intl-scli/index.html